Feb 9, 2014

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Details and Technical Stuff

In this blog, I’ll be taking lots of pictures, posting videos and talking about tons of sewing machines. I expect at some point someone will inquire for details. Here they are, upfront.

I work in a sewing machine retail store which currently has 4 different brands of machines: Husqvarna Viking, Baby Lock, Pfaff and Bernina. Because I have to make samples for the store as well as match up my customer’s sewing needs and basic personality type with the brand and model which I hope will make them even more ecstatic about the creative art that is sewing, I will be talking about dozens of different machines. Personally, at my home, I own a Viking Diamond DeLuxe sewing/embroidery machine, and a Viking 936 serger. I’m really hoping to add a Pfaff Creative Performance sewing machine to my home “stable” and eventually replace the 936 with a Baby Lock Evolution. Darn I love me that jet air threading!!! But I’m there yet.

My camera is a Nikon D3000. I put a couple of filters on it, and while I like the end result I can’t really tell you what the filters do. My dad and brother are both camera junkies who love all the fun toys that you can get. While I do want to get a telephoto lens, that’s about the extent of my “ooooh shiney!” when it comes to camera gear. I import the pictures to my laptop or desktop computers, use either Paint.net (laptop) or PhotoShop (desktop) to make any edits or add text to the pictures.

I store all my photos on PhotoBucket, and have been using them for years now. I’ve not got it linked to my FaceBook page as well as my Pinterest page. If you want to view the 4 years worth of Post-Mortems which are housed on LiveJournal, they are available here though I no longer use that forum.

The video camera I’ll be using, once I get the firewire port that I need, is a Canon Vixia HV30 (I think). While it records beautifully, I haven’t taken a whole lot of time to really make it work. I found some YouTube videos that were really helpful and have ordered an add-on firewire port which was illustrated nicely. Hopefully that will work and we can liven this place up some. I just bought MovieStudio 11 to use as the video editing software, but we’ll see how that works.

For any custom embroidery projects you may see, I used Pfaff/Viking 6D Professional Suite. I LOVE the new explorer plug-in they added to the software, but I’m really not thrilled that 6D will not install on my Vista desktop. I must use my laptop for any work with 6D, though I have 5D on my desktop.

For any custom quilting projects highlighted, I use EQ (Electronic Quilt) 7 though I’ve only used it for a few very simple projects as of yet. I have a couple of serious art quilts on the drawing board, and both of them timed deadlines to I’ll have to get on learning this program!

My sewing studio is in the garage. Currently it’s unpainted with patched walls and other uglies. Eventually those will be fixed, but it’s a low priority on the budget since we just bought this house last year and we have a whole lot to take care of.

Alright. I think that’s about it for the technicals.

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